Register here: Registration Form
Deadline: July 03, 2021 at 11:59PM PST
Preliminary Round: July 03, 2021 (whole day)
(Come back here in the next few days for the full schedule update.)
Important: Do not register without reading the FAQ below. Follow us on Instagram or join our Discord so that you won’t miss future announcements. If you have questions, comment down below or ask on Discord.
Battle Room V FAQ

What is Battle Room V?
Battle Room V (a.k.a. SCS Battle Room 5.0) is the 5th and the BIGGEST online cubing competition of SpeedCubeShop, to be hosted by Geo Cuber on his Twitch channel. The Battle Room competitions are known for their “unusual” competition format because sometimes it gives an equal chance for both fast and not so fast cubers. This season, we will be using the World Cube Association (WCA) format. That means, speed and only speed is the key to victory.
Can I join the Battle Room V?
Of course! Anyone can join but please register as early as possible so that we can determine the number of participants who will proceed to the live battles. Be sure to register and submit your times before the end of the preliminary round (see schedule above).
I am slow/I’m a beginner, can I still join?
Yes, everyone may join. Battle Room V is just like any WCA competition aside from the fact that it is done online and the head to head battles are slightly more fun *wink*.
I failed to register, can I still join?
Unfortunately, you are not considered a competitor of Battle Room V if you failed to register until the registration has closed. See schedule above.)
When is Battle Room V?
The preliminary round is set to be on July 3. Those who registered can log in to the website and “honestly” submit their times for the scrambles provided. The top X competitors will then proceed to the live battles to be set on weekends. Final schedule will be announced as the day of the competition approaches. The time for the live battles may change for the first time depending on the time zone of most of the qualifying participants. In the previous Battle Room competitions, the live battles were held at around 9AM PST.
Can I join the preliminary round even though I’m not sure if I can join the live battles?
Anyone can join the preliminary round but if you think you can’t make it to the live battles, please inform us in advance. The time for the live battles will be decided after the preliminary round so it is understandable that some qualifiers may decide not to proceed to the next rounds.
How will I compete in the Live Battles?
At the very least, you have to be on our Discord Server and join the Waiting Room voice chat. You may also tune in to our livestream on Geo_Cuber Twitch to receive real-time updates regarding the competition. During your turn to compete, you will be asked to join the Battle Room or you will be dragged to the room if you are in the Waiting Room. You and your opponent will have to scramble at the same time and solve at the same time, so wait for the cue. The battle will be a race to 2. In other words, the first to win 2 sets will be the winner and will proceed to the next round. It has been a tradition since Battle Room season 1 to use watermelons as counters but for Battle Room V, we will be doing things a little differently. The live battles will be a battle of Average of 5 (Ao5). Competitors will have to solve 5 scrambles and whoever has a better Ao5, will win the set.
What do I need to compete?
You will need a WCA legal cube, any timer of your choice (as long as it runs normally), and a cube cover (or anything that can cover the entire cube). Honesty is also required so please compete honestly. For the live battles, you will need a web camera (to show the cube) and a decent microphone for communication.
Do I need to show my face on camera?
You will not be forced to show your face on camera but at the very least we need to see your solves and hear your voice.
Do I need a Stackmat Timer?
No, you don’t. You may use any “fair” timing device. For the live battles, if you can display your timer on your screen, it would be very much appreciated.
Do I need to follow Geo Cuber on Twitch?
No, you don’t have to but you might need to watch the livestream on Twitch to be updated on what’s happening while you are competing.
Can I record myself while competing?
Sure, no problem. Just make sure it doesn’t distract you and it doesn’t affect the quality of your video during the live battle. Competition highlights will be available on twitch and YouTube.
Is Battle Room Sponsored?
I’m so happy to inform all of you that Battle Room V is sponsored by SpeedCubeShop. They have been sponsoring our competitions and giveaways like the SCS Lucky Draw. Prizes are not decided yet. If you want to win bigger prizes, invite your friends to join.
Register here: Registration Form
How to register
link is above.
Where is the scramble ?
where are the scrambles found?